
It is our intention to publish all the accepted communications both in digital on-line format and in a book of conference abstracts.

In a later stage after the meeting, authors may submit full papers based on their conference communications for publication in special issues. For more details, please refer to the "Special Notes".

General guidelines

 Original abstracts in English must be submitted on-line within the established deadline (30 June). After the reviewing process is completed (05 July), the corresponding author will be notified of the result, by e-mail.

 Only abstracts submitted to the conference email ( will be considered.

 Submission of an abstract constitutes (once accepted) agreement with and acceptance of the commitment to register for and attend the conference by at least one of the authors to present the communication. Accepted abstracts submitted by authors who do not formalize their registration (paying the registration fee) before 04 August, will not be included in the Abstracts Book.

 Each registered delegate will be allowed to submit up to two communications, but, of course, it is possible to contribute to others.

 Please, check carefully abstracts for correct grammar and spelling.

 The Committees will review and select communications by areas and decide whether they will be presented orally or as posters.

Format of abstract

The guidelines for abstract formatting provided at the conference website ought to be used for all the submitted abstracts. Please, check and carefully follow the instructions and template provided (download template). Though full details are given in the template, some are highlighted next:

 The easiest way to format the abstract for the conference is with the Word template file (.doc) downloadable from the conference website.

 Please, follow these guidelines to ensure a standardized format for all the abstracts published in the Abstracts Book.

 The main text must describe the context, research findings, originality and any necessary aspect for highlighting the importance of the communication.

 The general layout (title, authors, etc) can be found in the template.

 The whole document should be no more than ONE PAGE long.

 The document must fit within the next margins for standard A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm): 3 cm for the top, left and right and 2.5 cm for the bottom.

 Tables, figures, references and equations can be included if absolutely necessary.

 No headers or page numbers should be used.

 At the foot of the page indicate the SESSION, according to the Scientific Programme, for the abstract to be included in.

 Keywords. Following the main text, select 3-5 words or short phrases for indexing purposes.

 Once finished the document save it, preferably, as a Word file (.doc) and submit it through email.