
Registration is currently open. Please complete the registration form (download registration form) and submit it to the conference email ( Early registration as well as early hotel booking is strongly recommended due to the fact that the conference coincides with the peak summer tourism season in Guiyang, Guizhou province.

Registration fee

* Members of the scientific board and oral presenters are exempt from paying the registration fee;

        ** Student status must be properly justified.

Conference registration fee includes

  • Access to all scientific sessions

  • Catering and coffee breaks as scheduled in the Conference Programme.

  • Conference Dinner.


  • Should be made in advance of the conference.

  • For international attendees, payments can be made via bank transfer.

  • The paid information be submitted through the website (

  • Here is the detailed information for the account:

    Recipient: Guizhou Jusheng Lancheng Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd.

    Taxpayer Identification Number: 915201020784955417

    Address: No. 18-19, 19th Floor, Building 1, Huaguoyuan International Business Port, Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

    Phone Number: 0851-85777630

    Account Name: Guizhou Jusheng Lancheng Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd.

    Bank: China Construction Bank Guiyang Jiaxiu Branch

    Account Number: 52001423736052510654


To issue an invoice we need some data:

  • Official name and address of the paying Institution/Company/Individual.

  • Tax identification number.

International Conference on Fermented Foods (2024-AAB&M)

1st- 3rd , Shanxi Zilin Vinegar Industry Co., Ltd., Taiyuan, Shanxi

4th - 7th , China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Permanent Host site, Guiyang, Guizhou