Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About registration

1.It is possible to have a discount in the Registration Fee for attending the Conference during just one or two days?

No. The published Registration Fees are mean global estimations for covering the Conference costs taking into account many items. So it is really risky for guaranteeing the correct final economical balance and difficult for our administration capacity to offer such an option.

2.I would like to register and make the full payment on arrival. Is this possible?

If you submitted an accepted abstract and you want it to be included in the Abstract Book, you must comply with the registration deadlines, please refer to the DEADLINES and REGISTRATION sections of the conference website.

If you did not submit an abstract, just attending the conference, you will be able to register on arrival, but, please, notice that we do require full payment for on-site registration and it will not be possible to pay by credit/debit card. Additionally, the late registration fee is quite higher than the early registration. In general, because of organizing issues is not recommended this type of registration.

About presentation

1.I prefer to make an oral presentation, but you inform me that I have been accepted as a poster. It would be possible to accept my submission for an oral presentation?

Due to the number of contributions we received and the limited slots for oral presentation, we had to make difficult decisions that unfortunately some interesting abstracts will be in posters.

We know that it is impossible a selection that will reach a general agreement. We believe we have selected a proper mix of abstracts to address the conference themes.

2. I would like that my oral presentation could last more than 10 minutes. Can I have much more time?

No. We regret to communicate you that oral communications lasting more than 10 minutes are not possible, otherwise most of the submitted abstracts would have to be presented as posters.

3. My abstract has been accepted as an oral presentation, but I would prefer to present it as a poster. Would it be possible?

Probably yes. But you must contact the Organizing Committee as soon as possible.

4. Can I have some general guidelines to prepare my communication?

Yes, in the CONTRIBUTIONS page, GUIDELINES for ORAL and POSTER communications can be found.

5. According to the Conference Programme, my oral presentation should last 10 minutes. Additionally, the General Oral Presentations Guidelines refers to a 5 minutes period for questions and answers after the presentation. Then, I understand that, in total, a slot of time of 15 minutes is available for my communication. Is it correct?

Yes. But, please, keep in mind that the last 5 minutes should be devoted to discuss particular points raised by Delegates questions.

About payment

1. My bank is not able to order the payment transfer to your account. Is there other bank account for ordering the transfer to?

Yes. Please, contact us and we will send you the information.

2.  I paid my registration fee but now I have realized that I forgot to order my bank to include any bank charges on my account. How should I proceed?

As soon as possible, you should order an additional transfer in order to cover the published registration fees.

About visa

1. Do I need a visa to attend the Conference?

Please, check with your local embassy or travel agent. If so, it is essential that you begin the process as soon as possible in order to obtain your visa in time for the conference or registration deadline.

2.Can the Organizing Committee help me with my entry visa application?

Subject to certain conditions, we can provide a letter to assist you with your visa application. We do ask though you submit your own application to the relevant authority and follow up accordingly. Unfortunately, we are unable to follow up your application on your behalf or enter into correspondence directly with consulates.

General questions

1.I do not have any funding to attend the conference, can the Organizing Committee waive my registration fee/give me discount/subsidize my expenses?

We really regret to say that we do not have funds available to support delegate attendance.

2.Is there an official travel agent for the Conference?

No, normally delegates prefer to make their own independent travel arrangements. In any case, in the Section VENUE of the conference website you can find some information. If you need some additional information about travelling in China, do not hesitate in contact us.

International Conference on Fermented Foods (2024-AAB&M)

1st- 3rd , Shanxi Zilin Vinegar Industry Co., Ltd., Taiyuan, Shanxi

4th - 7th , China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Permanent Host site, Guiyang, Guizhou